Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hallucinate without the Use of Drugs

Do you realize now, how weak the personality you have is? You cannot even prevent your mind from hallucinating, after watching this video. After watching this, the object you look at will look different, it will move. You know, that it does not move, and yet it does. Your power of knowledge is weaker, than the power of these moving pictures. Even if you want to prevent the movements you see from moving, you will not succeed. 
Let us look at this video as the mass-media, as a form of manipulation, and the resulting altered state of consciousness as the proof for successful mind-control. You may say, it is only in your eyes - it is not. It truly is in your mind. There are some people, who don't see any distortions, and this shows, that it's not in your eyes. It is in your mind's eye, that is connected to your neuronal system.


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