Saturday, September 24, 2005

Day of the Slaughter

The Ceremony of the Day of the Slaughter of the Old Ones


Required Materials: a meal of any sort, though preferably one containing meat and vegetables both. The meal should not be too big, nor too small, but rather a simple, healthy meal. A glass of water, wine, good beer, or fruit juice. Frankincense.

Preparation: Place the food and drink upon the altar and set the frankincense burning.

1) Perform your customary opening.

2) Face the East and say the formula: IAÔ! Visualize divine light descending upon the food.

3) Hold your right hand above your head and say:
Water poureth down from heaven; the stars tremble; the archers go about; the bones of Aker quake; those beneath take flight when they see me rising as a soul, like a god who liveth upon his fathers and feedeth upon his mothers. I am the lord of wisdom, and my mother knoweth not my name. I hold a noble rank in heaven, my strength is in the horizon like my father Tem; Tem begot me, and I have become stronger than he. My doubles are behind me, and the conquered are beneath my two feet. My gods are on me. My uraei are on my brow. My serpent-guide is before me. My soul seeth the spirit of flame. My powers protect me. I am the bull of heaven that thrusteth with my will, living upon what every god creates, and eating of the food of those who come to fill their bellies with words of power from the lake of flame. I am provided with power over my spirits. I rise like a mighty one, the lord in the seat of the hand of the gods. I am seated with my back to Seb. I weigh my word with the Hidden of Name on this day of the slaughtering of the eldest gods. ABRASAX.

4) Hold your hand over the food and say:
I am the lord of the offering, tying the knot, making my meals for myself. I eat men and live on the gods, the lord of offerings, who examineth the lists of offerings. Behold, he who maketh heads to bow, Am-kehuu hath snared them for me. Behold, Tcheser-tep-f hath known them and he hath driven them to me. Behold, Her-thertu hath bound them. Behold, Khensu the slaughterer of lords hath cut the throats of them for me, and he hath torn out what is in their bellies, for he is the messenger whom I sent to drive them. Behold, Shesemu hath cut them up for me, he hath boiled pieces of them in his blazing cauldrons. I have eaten their words of power, and I have eaten their spirits. Their great ones are for my morning meal, their middle ones are for my evening meal, their little ones are for my night-time meals, and their old ones are for my furnace. Behold, the great one in heaven hath shot flame against the cauldrons beneath them with the thighs of the eldest ones. Perer-amu-pet hath thrown the legs of their women into my cauldrons. ERBÊTH PAKERBÊTH.

5) Circumambulate counterclockwise and say:
I have gone round about the double heaven, all of it, and I have gone around about the two halves of Egypt. I am the great sekhem, the sekhem of the sekhemu. I am the great ashem, the ashem of ashemu. What I find on my way, I eat greadily. I am protected before all of the sahu in the horizon. I am the eldest of the old ones. I have gone around thousands, I have offered hundreds. I have been given the hand as the great sekhem, behold Orion with the gods. I have repeated my rising in heaven. I have the seben crown as lord of the horizon. I have counted-up vertibrae and livers. I have taken possession of the hearts of the gods. I have eaten the Red Crown and I have eaten the White Crown. I feed upon fat entrails, and the offerings on which I live are the words of power in their hearts. Behold, I eat what is cast-out from the Red Crown and I flourish. Their words of power are in my belly. The sahu are not turned back from me. I have eaten the intelligence of every god, my life is eternal, my existence is everlasting in my sah. What I am pleased to do I do, and what I hate, I do not, in the limits of the horizon, for ever. Behold, their soul is in me, their spirits are with me, more abundant is my food than that of the gods. My flame is in their bones, behold, their soul is with me, their shadows are with their forms. With these, I am rising, rising, hidden, hidden, a sekhem having performed the ordinances of ploughing. The seat of my heart is among the living on this Earth, for ever.

6) Eat the meal, feeling the power of all of the gods infusing your body, and enjoy.

7) Perform your usual closing.


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