Saturday, September 24, 2005

Magical Amulet Collection

Taubman Amulet 178 (Bonner 6)

Anguipede, head indistinct but probably meant for that of a cock. Below the abruptly narrowed waist are two thin lines, which were meant for legs or else for the beginning of the snake coils; but at the position where the feet would be is a kilt from which snakes curve upward on each side, their heads opposite the waist of the human part. A very strange representation of the anguipede, apparently without parallel. The right hand holds an uncertain triangular object somewhat like a rhyton or drinking horn (the scratches over it are adventitious). In the left hand is a torch, or possibly a hammer. Round the snake coils is an inscription, apparently in the same unknown characters as those on the reverse. (page 282)

Taubman Medical Library- Magical Amulet Collection- Group 4


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